“Landscape and Light” features original paintings by established local artists, as well as some fine art photography, sculpture and glass art jewellery.
Contributing artists:
• Christobel Bennett an award winning watercolour artist, who had an invited exhibition in November, 2005 for the centenary celebration of the Kalgan River Bridge. The current exhibition includes large water colours of the bush and the river east of Albany Western Australia, and smaller pieces including a Rottnest Island scene.
• Penny Bladen’s oil paintings depict sweeping landscapes of the Amafli coast in Italy.
• Sue Cross another established, prizewinning watercolour artist has a range of highly detailed realistic works depicting local areas including Freshwater Bay, Fremantle Harbour and Trigg Beach as well as country scenes from the south west of Western Australia.
• Anna-Mair Francis, a fine art photographer, is exhibiting her amazing photographs of the north west of Western Australia and Queensland.
• Trudy Hardman is a glass artist who makes unique pieces of glass jewellery. Most of her pieces go straight to London where they are a very popular, however a selection of beautiful pieces have been secured for this exhibition.
• Greg James is an accomplished sculptor with many works in public places and private collections. Greg ahs recently received acclaim for lifesized bronze of Jess, the pregnant mother to be in the Sculpture By the Sea exhibit on Cottesloe beach.